Tactics of Anti-Abortion Groups - Los Angeles Times

Tactics of Anti-Abortion Groups

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* Before Dr. David Gunn was shot to death during an anti-abortion demonstration outside a Florida clinic, he was threatened and harassed for months at his home and at work. While Dr. Gunn’s tragic death has so far been an isolated incident, in recent months there has been an upsurge of intimidation and harassment of physicians by anti-abortion groups.

In Santa Barbara, San Diego, Kern and Santa Clara counties, physicians have received ominous letters from local anti-abortion groups. The letters have not been limited to physicians who perform abortions; doctors in Santa Maria received letters warning them not to refer patients to Planned Parenthood for any reason. The letters demand a written declaration from the doctors that they will stop performing abortions or referring to clinics. If the doctors refused, the letters stated, their names would be “recorded” as those “who do not support life.”

Now we are seeing a sharp rise in picketing of physicians’ homes across the nation. Regardless of where one stands on the abortion issue, tactics such as picketing at homes and circulating names and photos of doctors are not appropriate.


Abortion is a legal medical procedure that is a private matter between the patient and her physician. When physicians who are attempting to provide medical care to their patients are threatened, intimidated and harassed--even at their homes--action must be taken to protect privacy and safety.


President, California Medical Assn.

San Francisco

* In response to the letter from Virginia Louaillier, July 14:

A fetus is a baby, it is a human life. That life begins at conception. When a fetus is aborted, that is murder. That is my “Christian, right-wing, extremist view,” as you liberals say it, and I’m proud to say it’s true.

You say you object to “placing the burden of caring for a baby on women (or couples) who don’t want one and can’t care adequately for themselves.” Is it possible to care for a baby and not feel a burden? And just what are those women doing getting pregnant when they know full well they may not be able to care adequately for it?


As for “legally recognized” differences between a human and a fetus, or an acorn and sapling, or an egg and chick: A man in Florida who stole sea turtle eggs was fined $106,000 by the judge. The man argued that they were not sea turtles but simply eggs. The judge replied, “Sir, they’re going to be sea turtles. Guilty.” I think that blows your “legal recognition” right out of the water. I hope legalized abortion soon follows (in being prohibited).



* In response to “24 Hours for Harassment,” Commentary, July 12:

I’m sure Rep. Don Edwards (D-San Jose) knows all about the experiences a woman goes through when considering abortion. He is so concerned about the inconvenience a woman is subjected to if she has to wait 24 hours before taking a human life. It would seem women opting for an elective surgery like a face lift or an abortion would want to know all the risks involved before letting some doctor put a knife (or dismembering extraction tool) to them or their innocent baby.


San Clemente

