'Hot Coals' Objection - Los Angeles Times

‘Hot Coals’ Objection

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It saddens me when the Los Angeles Times stoops to muckraking by focusing on Tony Robbins’ lawsuits. (“Walking on Hot Coals,” Sept. 9)

Why are there no articles prior to Thanksgiving about Tony’s massive distribution of food, clothes and blankets to the homeless every Thanksgiving? Why, in a society filled with people competing to be the biggest victims, are you not featuring articles on some of the thousands of people who have been instructed by Tony’s risk-taking to start businesses or make the transition from welfare to the workplace?

Tony employs hundreds of people who feed their families by helping others be more in charge of their lives; these employees pay taxes in the process of helping others, rather than cost the taxpayers money. If a 30-year-old can do this, why can’t the government do this? Can’t we learn more from exploring this than from muckraking?


