Brown and Prop. 140 - Los Angeles Times

Brown and Prop. 140

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(Los Angeles County Supervisor) Pete Schabarum’s term-limit initiative is long overdue. The people of this state have seen too many powerful people in office for themselves, while the Legislature has done little or nothing about it. Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) wants to keep his cushy little job. That’s why he raised $5 million to defeat the redistricting measures and will probably attempt to raise more to defeat Prop. 140 (“Brown Assails Initiative to Limit Terms in Office,” Part A, Aug. 8).

Californians have let the Legislature run wild with corruption, and now Schabarum has given us a chance to stop it. It’s time that Brown and his merry band of liberal hypocrites face reality. They are in office for the people, not for themselves.


Pacific Palisades
