NASTY ECHOS - Los Angeles Times


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I am sick and tired of writers like Lawrence Christon, Jim Harwood, Craig Bromberg, Jeff Greenfield, Robert Hilburn, Ruth Reichl and Dan Sullivan (“Neo-Nasty,” June 21). So many people whining and complaining, in unison no less! Grow up people, quit sniveling.

Every era has its problems, and if you don’t like the ‘80s, then go into hiding. I have never read so much complaining since I sat around and listened to a bunch of 12-year-olds. I’ll agree that many points were true, but give it a rest. I am tired of reporters and writers like yourselves putting everything down. Not everyone believes in the “good old days.” They were only good when seen through rose-colored glasses. The ‘50s were an era of unequality, the ‘60s lacked sense and direction and the ‘70s lacked any self-beauty or leadership. So don’t rant about the ‘80s being “Neo-nasty.” This decade is no less perfect or better than any other.


