Nasir - Los Angeles Times
VIDEO | 17:04


A transgender musician comes out to several family members over the phone and composes a new song.

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Throughout Nasir’s life, there have been numerous challenges to making his identity legible to his Black, Christian and Mexican family. Instead of focusing, like other films might, on the highest-tension relationships in his family structure, we chose to spotlight two cousins who have long understood and accepted him. By centering their affectionate curiosity and steadfast love, “Nasir” gives families everywhere a window into what it can look like to respond with support when a loved one wants to transition. Ultimately, Nasir’s musical gift has provided the greatest guide to his affirmation and serves as the soundtrack to this film’s celebration of what it means to be a proud, Black, Trans Man.

“Nasir” is a film made by two friends about queer love: a love that accepts change, fluidity and evolution of self unconditionally. Our friendship has played an indelible role in each of our lives for the last seven years across cinematic and musical collaborations. Through short film productions, film festivals, failed screenplays, and court cases, there has been one consistent presence: supportive, creative affirmation. We have both changed a lot since we met each other — Nasir’s voice is a little deeper, Jackson’s attempts to apply cat-eye shadow are improving. The process of seeing one another step into a truer version of ourselves, simultaneously shedding and growing, is layered into the heart center of this film.

Nasir’s 30th birthday, seven weeks into testosterone injections, felt like a good moment to press “record.” With a microphone in hand, and not a question asked, Nasir spent an hour recalling pivotal moments from his childhood when he knew he was a boy. After re-listening and editing down the monologue, Nasir and Jackson planned a day of filming together, mixing 16mm and digital 2k cameras based on the length of the take.
