Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday in a convincing victory powered by the state's major cities.

With 36 delegates up for grabs at precincts across the state, his competitors are watching the final vote tallies in hopes that a strong finish can boost their bid for the nomination.

Explore the results block by block on our precincts map.

* County convention delegates are earned by candidates based on their share of support in each precinct.

Sen. Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday in a convincing victory powered by the state's major cities.

With 36 delegates up for grabs at precincts across the state, his competitors are watching the final vote tallies in hopes that a strong finish can boost their bid for the nomination.

Explore the results block by block on our precincts map.

Democratic results

* County convention delegates are earned by candidates based on their share of support in each precinct.

How does Nevada compare to other states?

  • 28% Latino

    State ranking
    Nevada is 28% Latino.

    Nevada is the first contest with a large Latino population.

  • $57K median income

    Nevada's median income is $57,598.

    Household income is lower than the national median.

  • 24% with bachelor's degree

    24% of Nevada residents have a four-year degree.

    It has a low number of college graduates.

How Nevada voted in 2016

Top candidatesCCDsPct.Delegates
Clinton ✓6,44052.6%20
Top candidatesVotesPct.Delegates
Trump ✓34,53145.8%14