PET OF THE WEEK - Los Angeles Times


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Two orange declawed feline brothers, Hoss and Little Joe, were named after the characters in the classic TV show “Ponderosa.”

“Those interested shouldn’t miss this opportunity to adopt the affectionate 20-pound orange cat named Hoss and his sidekick, Little Joe,” Community Animal Network Founder DiAnna Pfaff-Martin said.

Pfaff-Martin describes Joe as a medium-sized, long-haired, orange and white cat who loves to be brushed. Both are playful and have good house manners, she said.


Meet Hoss and Little Joe at the Fashion Island pet adoptions noon to 4 p.m. on weekends in front of Russo’s Pet Experience, or call (949) 759-3646 to see them in the caregiver’s home in Costa Mesa. Go to to see other cats and dogs available and the rules of adoption.

Donations can be made by mailing checks to Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662 Newport Beach, CA, 92658, and memo your check nonprofit tax ID 33-0971560.
